If you've been thinking about microchurch or how your existing church can shift to empower small groups for community impact, join teams from churches and organizations in NE Ohio on August 24, 9-noon for a collaborative learning seminar.
We'll dive into topics including:
Jack Radcliffe, Malone University
Brian Donahue, Pursuit Friends Church
Andy Sikora, Renew Communities
Every single one of us has something of unique value to bring into the world... a vital contribution to make to God's kingdom.
There is a story that God is writing with each of our lives. And at the center of that story is a calling that flows out of the gifts we've been given, the passions we carry, and the context of our relationships and the places we inhabit.
But it's not always easy to make sense of those things or how they relate to one another. We need space and tools and wise guides who can help us gain perspective and insight that leads to clarity, because clarity gives us courage to name and step toward God's call on our lives.
This is exactly what the Calling Lab is all about.
Throughout this day-long workshop, we'll receive short teaching inputs from leaders from Tampa Underground, the team that developed the Calling Lab. We will also be led through a number of exercises and assessments that help us get a sense of how we're "wired" to bring good into the world. Finally, we will be given space to think, reflect, and pray over the key features of our lives and God's place in them and be led into worship as a means of hearing from the Lord.
The Calling Lab will be held at Malone University, a generous partner for this event. We will meet in the Conference Room of the Brehme Centennial Center (campus map).
Thanks to the generous donations of others, registration is just $25 per person (free for Malone students) and includes coffee, snacks, buffet lunch in the cafeteria, and other resources/supplies for the day. Childcare is also available for those who need it.
Whether you are a student or work in the non-profit or for-profit worlds, in the home, or in a church or ministry context, we invite you to join us for the Calling Lab!
Here's a more detailed schedule to help you get a sense of how the day will flow.