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The Power of Small

August 24, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join this collaborative learning seminar to learn & share about the power of cultivating smaller expressions of church.
5455, Market Avenue North, Canton, Stark County, Ohio, 44714, United States
Registration Closed


If you've been thinking about microchurch or how your existing church can shift to empower small groups for community impact, join teams from churches and organizations in NE Ohio on August 24, 9-noon for a collaborative learning seminar.

We'll dive into topics including:

  • Why choose small?
  • Mission and discipleship in the everyday rhythms of life (Everyone gets to play).
  • Starting kingdom works.
  • What about my day job?
  • What do we do with kids?
  • Recalibrating your church ecosystem to empower the small.
  • Multiplying groups, good works and microchurches.
  • And more...

Jack Radcliffe, Malone University
Brian Donahue, Pursuit Friends Church
Andy Sikora, Renew Communities

Doors Open/Check in: 8:30-9 am
Child care provided

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