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Light In Our City

May 1-May 31, 2020
Friday - Sunday
9:00 am (May 1) - 7:00 pm (May 31)
Compassionate conversations with Canton’s civic & spiritual leaders
Online Event


Like thousands of other cities across the country and the world, Canton is experiencing a moment of significant disruption, fear, and uncertainty in the midst of the spread of the coronavirus.

At all times, but especially right now, it’s vital that we turn our attention to expressions of faith, hope, and love as sources of light in our city. For light always overpowers and drives away darkness.

Through the month of May (2020), we’ll be sitting down with a variety of Canton’s civic, business, organizational, and spiritual leaders to have brief conversations around three questions:

  • In the midst of our present COVID-19 crisis, who and what inspires faith in you?

  • As you look to the future, what is your hope for our city? What would you hope the newspaper headlines would be?

  • As you look around in your organization and in our city, how are you seeing love expressed?

We mean for these conversations to be a source of encouragement, but also that they instigate still more expressions of faith, hope, and love throughout our community, among our neighborhoods, and in our homes!

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Canton Abbey is an initiative of Churches for the Sake of Others
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