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Together, we’re pursuing wholistically flourishing communities throughout Stark County with the Body of Christ fully engaged in the process of transformation.
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About Stark CCDA

Christian Community Development (CCD) consists in applying biblical principles for human flourishing to the neighborhoods, communities, and cities we call home. Here’s one of the best videos we’ve come across that briefly and beautifully articulates the what and they why of Christian Community Development. Take a few minutes and check it out!

CCDA stands for Christian Community Development Association. Since the 1990’s, CCDA has been the nationally recognized leaders in networking, educating, and resourcing Christian leaders in the best practices of Christian Community Development. CCDA offers a variety of courses, training opportunities, and justice initiatives. They also convene an annual conference of CCD practitioners for the purposes of building relationships, learning, and inspiration. Stark CCDA exists as a formal partner and regional expression of CCDA, seeking to do locally what CCDA seeks to do nationally.

Show up! The heart and soul of CCDA is relationships. We are animated by the idea that true, deep, and lasting change grows out of the rich soil of committed relationships among those who want to learn, work, invest in common work together. Thus, membership in Stark CCDA is more a “fruit” than a “fact.” If the work of Christian Community Development is important or of interest to you, this is a space for you!

There are some things God means to bring about in our communities that no single church, nonprofit, or business can ever address on its own. Even the multiplication of churches, nonprofits, and businesses will never be enough. Throughout history, what has brought real and lasting change to places and conditions that inhibit human flourishing is the existence of diverse networks of relationships among those committed to common goals. Your support of Stark CCDA, whether through your personal presence and involvement or through your financial generosity, has a direct impact on helping us do together what none of us could ever do alone!

Current Members

Learn about the organizations that currently make up Stark CCDA.
See All Members
Member Organizations

CCDA Nationwide

CCDA is not just a local initiative. Its work takes place across the US and beyond.
Learn about CCDA
“People who live in quality neighborhoods
have access to safe housing, recreation,
good schools, and low crime, and are
often surrounded by supportive neighbors.”
Stark Community Foundation
Protecting Stark’s Future, 2020

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Stark County Coordinator

Gino Haynes
Contact Gino

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“If we work together. . . we can reduce child poverty and strengthen Stark.”
The need to act is urgent, yet we cannot expect quick fixes to cause sustained transformation without sustained effort. Poverty persists in Stark County not because smart, dedicated people are ignoring it. Rather, the scope and depth of issues are so large that no single entity or system could ever hope to address them alone. A focus on neighborhoods is a place to start. Coordination is critical.
Stark Community Foundation
Protecting Stark’s Future, 2020

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